by Michael Popkin Research from De Montfort University in the UK showed that parents who praised their children five times each day saw an improvement in the child’s behavior. A “Five Praises Campaign” was even launched to help parents learn to be mindful of the need...

by Michael Popkin, author of Active Parenting of Teens and Teens in Action Hearing a good review of the new movie Booksmart on my drive home the other day, I thought I’d check it out for myself and was not disappointed. The humor was clever sometimes and...

by Emily E. Gonzalez-Abreu, ESE and Support Services Family Counselor and Certified Active Parenting Leader If you know me, then you might have grown tired of my constant rave about these classes. Every opportunity I get I inform (verbally, emails, flyers) parents, administrators, teachers, staff, anyone who will...
