Atlanta is where I learned the value of hard work and persistence.  ~ Martin Luther King Jr.  Learning is Fun! We took our grandchildren, Jackson (5 ½) and Charlie (almost 4) to the Atlanta History Museum to  see the  new Children’s Experience the other day because like it...

The parenting journey is not usually a straight line, there are many detours, u-turns (or switchbacks), and no two paths look the same. Coparenting (or co-parenting) is when two or more people actively participate in a child’s life. These coparents may have had a different...

For over 40 years, Active Parenting skills have proven effective with most children. However, those who have worked with children with functional needs, know that how these skills are applied and modified to fit their needs can make all the difference. Beginning with the development...

November is National Veterans and Military Family Appreciation Month. As we take time to appreciate the many sacrifices of our Military to ensure our safety and freedom, we must also acknowledge the sacrifice of Military families. Parenting is a difficult job even in the best...

Children Are Our future As Dr. Popkin says “If the future of our society is our children, then the key to that future rests primarily with parents and teachers. Many schools, religious institutions, social service centers, and other community organizations are responding to this responsibility by...

A Love of Learning Active Parenting parents take education seriously. They understand that it is about more than just grades; it is about fostering a desire to learn. It’s likely that children will become lifelong learners when their curiosity is sparked, when they experience the pleasure...

Active Parenting Helps to Prevent Child Abuse Active Parenting Helps to Prevent Child Abuse by providing parents with the tools they need to communicate and empathize with their children, foster independence and mutual respect, provide encouragement, and employ methods of non-violent discipline. These tools help...

Happy Black History month from Active Parenting Publishers Black History Month: Spotlight on Courage For years families and communities have come together to celebrate Black History Month, which takes place in the month of February. This special month came into existence to showcase and celebrate the contributions...
