Active Parenting Helps to Prevent Child Abuse Active Parenting Helps to Prevent Child Abuse by providing parents with the tools they need to communicate and empathize with their children, foster independence and mutual respect, provide encouragement, and employ methods of non-violent discipline. These tools help...

Doc Pop's 52 Weeks of Active Parenting Social Media Weekly! Join Doc Pop for 52 Weeks of Active Parenting and learn positive parenting practices. While you're there, be sure to like us—click the links below—don't miss out! And don't forget to sign up for your FREE...

Doc Pop's 52 Weeks of Active Parenting Social Media Weekly! Join Doc Pop for 52 Weeks of Active Parenting and learn positive parenting practices to reduce the risk of child abuse. While you're there, be sure to like us—click the links below—don't miss out! And don't...
