Doc Pop's 52 Weeks of Active Parenting Social Media Weekly! Join Doc Pop for 52 Weeks of Active Parenting and learn positive parenting practices to reduce the risk of child abuse. While you're there, be sure to like us—click the links below—don't miss out! And don't...

Every month is a good month for racism awareness. “What we must do is commit ourselves to some future that can include each other and to work toward that future with the particular strengths of our individual identities. And in order for us to do this,...

The headline for this greeting could be the setup for a dark joke with a punchline like: We can be thankful that it’s almost over; that it wasn’t even worse; that we avoided civil war and didn’t get wiped out by murder hornets.   However, I...

Parenting is full of incredible, funny, and sometimes inspiring moments—and we could all use a laugh or inspiration during these difficult times. Share your favorite parenting moment with us. If your story is chosen to post on our blog you’ll get a FREE copy of...

Dear parent educators and those who support them, One thing we know about life on this beautiful planet is that from the smallest virus to the smartest human, no matter where you fit on the food chain, if your species has survived then you are adaptable....

To survive and thrive we must be able to protect ourselves, our families, and the society in which we live. The human instinct to repel attacks—whether physical or psychological—has led us to develop complex systems of justice and defense. Children will also look for ways...

This month’s blog was inspired by an (unsolicited) e-mail I received from one of our longtime leaders, Pat Lonergan, Teen Parenting Instructor at Nature Coast Technical High School in Florida. She wrote and I wrote back: Hi Doctor Popkin, I became an Active Parenting Trainer of Trainers...

Most children do not like rules any more than they like most green vegetables. Fortunately, by the time they become adults they have usually developed a taste for both. We come to understand the value of good rules and the importance of learning to play...

Letters. We get letters. "Recently some of my old classmates were chatting about the Free the Horses program that we went through when we were little," wrote Keith from Michigan. "I was thinking it would be fun to have a get-together with some of these old...
