Broward County Public Schools find success with Active Parenting of Teens

by Emily E. Gonzalez-Abreu,
ESE and Support Services Family Counselor
and Certified Active Parenting Leader

Emilia Gonzalez-Abreu

If you know me, then you might have grown tired of my constant rave about these classes. Every opportunity I get I inform (verbally, emails, flyers) parents, administrators, teachers, staff, anyone who will listen about the benefits of this program. Benefits such as improved communication between you and your teen, an increase in mutual respect, reduction in power struggles, assisting and empowering the parents as they talk to their teens about at-risk behavior (i.e., alcohol, drugs, cyberspace, social media, etc.) You would think that after all these years, since 2009, of teaching the Active Parenting of Teens classes; I would become tired of it or lose the passion for the program. Well, I am excited to report that is not the case. I actually have more passion for the program than I did back then. How can I not find these classes rewarding, when I hear positive statements such as “Where were you (this program) when I was raising my first son?” I also heard “This really works (trying the strategies at home)” and my all time favorite: “I really like my child again!”

This past January Lori Butler, Principal of Renaissance Charter School at Plantation, came across information about these classes through an email sent by Carol Beitler of BCPS-FDLRS. She thought her students’ parents would benefit from the Active Parenting of Teens program, and so arrangements were made for them to attend our classes. She encouraged these parents to attend by providing them with volunteer service hours. I had many parents attend throughout the series of classes.

Then, on the last day of class, I was given a surprise. I was honored by Ms. Butler, the parents who attended the program and the School Advisory Council (SAC) members of the Renaissance Charter School at Plantation with beautiful flowers and a most beautiful card of THANKS that I will keep close at hand.


Reprinted from the Exceptional Student Educational & Support Services newsletter of Broward County, Florida, Public Schools; part of the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System.
