Sample Videos from Los primeros cinco años

Your program kit will contain 64 minutes of video demonstrating key concepts. Video is dubbed in Spanish. Here are a few sample scenes

In this video, the program’s narrator describes what parents will learn in each session of the Los Primeros Cinco Años parenting class.

This scene, taken from Session II, introduces the A-C-T method of dealing with a young child’s misbehavior in a nonviolent way he can understand.

This scene, taken from Session III, describes the “Choices and Consequences” technique for helping young children learn how to manage anger and solve problems.

This scene from Session IV describes easy ways for parents to encourage learning in their young children.

Best practices make better classes

According to “Parent Education to Strengthen Families and Reduce the Risk of Maltreatment,” a 2013 publication of the US Department of Health and Human Services,

“Research has consistently shown that active learning approaches have greater success than passive approaches (CDC, 2009). Interactive methods include activities such as group discussion, role playing, active modeling, homework exercises, and reviewing videos of effective parenting approaches (Brown, 2005).”

With video, activities, “show and tell,” group discussion, and weekly Building the Bond assignments (homework), Paternidad Activa: Los primeros cinco años meets all those requirements and more!

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Video de muestra de Los primeros cinco años

¡Descúbrelo por ti mismo!
Su paquete del programa contiene 64 minutos de videos doblados al español que ilustran los conceptos más importantes. Aquí está una escena de muestra

In this video, the program’s narrator describes what parents will learn in each session of the Los Primeros Cinco Años parenting class.

This scene, taken from Session II, introduces the A-C-T method of dealing with a young child’s misbehavior in a nonviolent way he can understand.

This scene, taken from Session III, describes the “Choices and Consequences” technique for helping young children learn how to manage anger and solve problems.

This scene from Session IV describes easy ways for parents to encourage learning in their young children.

Mejores prácticas hacen mejores clases

Parent Education to Strengthen Families and Reduce the Risk of Maltreatment,” auna publicación de 2013 del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE.UU. dice:

“Las investigaciones han demostrado sistemáticamente que los enfoques de aprendizaje activos tienen más éxito que los enfoques pasivos (CDC, 2009). Métodos interactivos incluyen actividades como las discusiones en grupo, los juegos de rol, la modelación activa, ejercicios de tarea, y el ver videos que muestren enfoques de crianza eficaces (Brown, 2005).”

Con videos, actividades, ejercicios de “demostrar y explicar”, discusiones en grupo, y actividades enriquecedoras familiares semanales (de tarea), Paternidad Activa: Los primeros cinco años cumple con todos esos requisitos y aún más.

¿Tiene preguntas? Nuestros consultores educacionales están prontos para responderias. Llame al 1-800-825-0060 o escribanos por email a
