Providing evidence of effectiveness of our program work has become increasingly important to all of us. Funding sources often require it, and even when they don’t, we can agree that when we take time to evaluate what works and what doesn’t, we see improved results from our efforts to strengthen families and children. Active Parenting demonstrates its commitment to scientific rigor by providing access to our own studies published in peer reviewed journals, sharing other independent research on AP programs, and by offering the free use of our program evaluation surveys to leaders.
Read and download our summary of 19 studies that span more than 40 years of Active Parenting history and provide strong scientific evidence of the efficacy of the Active Parenting model.
Click here to read abstracts of all the studies in the Active Parenting evidence base.
We have completed an extensive national field study of Active Parenting and Active Parenting of Teens providing evidence of effectiveness for these research-based programs.
Active Parenting 4th Ed. is the original, English-language edition of Paternidad Activa 4a ed. Click on the links below to view research conducted on Active Parenting 4th Ed.
Active Parenting Now was the third edition of this program.
Active Parenting Today was the second edition of this program.
Active Parenting Discussion Program was the first edition of this program.
This questionnaire in Spanish contains three scales: Parent Observation of Child Behavior, Parent Attitudes and Beliefs, and Parent Behavior. Together, they may be used free of charge to provide evidence of your program’s effectiveness.
(can be used for any Active Parenting class) Use this form in Spanish to collect information from parents about what they liked and what needs improvement in your classes.
Use este formulario para obtener información de los padres sobre lo que les agradó y lo que debe mejorar en sus clases. Este formulario se puede usar para cualquier clase de Paternidad Activa —solo debe adaptarlo a sus necesidades. Haga clic para descargar el Formulario de evaluación de clase de Paternidad Activa.